Musk Deer

The musk deer is not a technical deer, due to the lack of antlers on both the males and the females. They get their name from a musk gland that’s on the male deer, down by their navel.

There are multiple species of musk deer, most of which are endangered, due to hunting for their musk pouch.

Image result for musk deer
Siberian Musk Deer


Raccoons are found throughout most of North America, in both wild and urban areas.

Image result for raccoon

They are omnivores, meaning they

will eat both plants and animals,

though they prefer easier to get food,

like plants, carrion, or if they are

in an urban area, trash.

Sea Urchin

The sea urchin is covered in spines on almost all of its body, the only part not covered is the very bottom most parts, being the mouth and the tube like legs that move it along the ocean floor. The name “urchin” comes from an old English word for hedgehog, which are similarly covered in spines.

Snowshoe Hare

With a bright white coat in winter to blend into the snow, and a brown coat in summer to blend into the soil the snowshoe hare is the perfect example of camouflage. Snowshoe hares are also able to jump 10 feet, that’s a little over 3 meters, in a single hop.


Giraffes are easily recognized by their large appearance plus dark spots with light fur. Known for their very long necks, giraffes actually have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans, only theirs are much larger.


Giant Panda

The Giant Panda is one of the most recognizable animals on the planet, it is also one of the most critically endangered, meaning it is threatened with extinction. The fur of a Panda is thick and woolly, giving them protection from the cold in the mountain forests of China.


Leopards are the fourth largest cats in the world, falling just under the Jaguar. They range from Africa up through the middle east and most of Asia. Leopards’ spots are rosette shaped often with no spot in the middle.
Leopard, notice the rosettes without spots in the center


Jaguars are the third largest cat in the world. They live in the Americas, mostly in central and South America but some still remain in Mexico. They have large rosette spots, rounded spots with spaces in the center, that often have spots in the middle.
Jaguar, it has large rosette spots with a round head